[FILE 저장에 관한 정보] DB Binary Type vs File Storage 본문
To Blob or Not to Blob
Application designers often face the question of whether to store large objects in a filesystem or in a database. Often this decision is made for application design simplicity. Sometimes, performance measurements are also used. This paper looks at the question of fragmentation – one of the operational issues that can affect the performance and/or manageability of the system as deployed long term. As expected from the common wisdom, objects smaller than 256K are best stored in a database while objects larger than 1M are best stored in the filesystem. Between 256K and 1M, the read:write ratio and rate of object overwrite or replacement are important factors. We used the notion of “storage age” or number of object overwrites as way of normalizing wall clock time. Storage age allows our results or similar such results to be applied across a number of read:write ratios and object replacement rates.
1M 이상은 파일서버
256K 이하는 DB
파일을 읽고쓰는데에 전념하는 서버가 있으면 성능에 좋고
DB가 있으면 DBMS의 자원을 소모하는대신 보안에 이롭습니다